Singing Guide: Ron Sexsmith

Singing Guide: Ron Sexsmith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Style and Techniques

Ron Sexsmith's vocals could be described as soft and angelic. His style is characterized by an intimate, close-mic'd sound that emphasizes clarity and diction. One of his signature techniques is the use of falsetto, which he employs to great effect in many of his songs.

Songs to Learn

"Gold in Them Hills," "Secret Heart," and "Strawberry Blonde" are three of Sexsmith's most beloved tracks, featuring his characteristic expressive lyricism, and emotive vocals. "Gold in Them Hills" is a great song for practicing falsetto and exploring the nuances of his vocal style.

Singing Carrots Resources to Check Out:

Tips and Exercises

  • Pay attention to Ron Sexsmith's use of falsetto. Practice your own falsetto, gradually trying to go higher without sacrificing tone. You can use the Pitch Training game to help you develop your falsetto.
  • Practice singing with Ron Sexsmith's intimate style: keep the microphone close to your mouth and concentrate on clarity and diction. Open your mouth and throat, as covered in this blog post.
  • Warm up before singing, using exercises like Farinelli breathing to get your vocal cords ready.
  • Focus on resonance while singing to achieve a cleaner and more expressive sound. Learn more about resonance in this blog post.
  • Practice vocal improvisation and interpretation. "Take any melody and see how far you can go with it," Ron Sexsmith says.

By exploring Ron Sexsmith's unique style and utilizing these Singing Carrots resources, you'll be well on your way to developing your own intimate, expressive sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.